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Contact a suicide prevention hotline in Illinois

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Contact a suicide hotline in Illinois, United States for free support

If you're experiencing suicidal thoughts, you're not alone. Suicidal thoughts aren't talked about very much, but many people experience them during their lives. There are 5 suicide hotlines (crisis lines or helplines) in Illinois, United States that can help. If you're not sure what suicidal thoughts look like, they might look like any of the following:

  • Feeling a deep sense of loneliness or isolation
  • Feeling like you wouldn't be missed if you were gone
  • Feeling like your own health and wellbeing no longer matter
  • Thinking that the world would be better off without you
  • Making plans for ending your life
  • Losing your motivation to keep going
  • Thinking you're going to feel this way forever
  • Feeling like you can't cope with the pain anymore

Experiencing suicidal feelings is a response to intense emotional pain that feels impossible to escape from. It's not uncommon to feel that nothing can be solved when you're emotionally overwhelmed. However, with the right support, you can end your emotional suffering without having to end your life.

It's important to know that how you're feeling is normal and that you are not alone. There are trained crisis line volunteers in Illinois, United States who will listen to you and support you. Speaking to a compassionate volunteer may give you that extra bit of hope that you need to keep going.

Consider contacting a hotline in Illinois, United States right away for free, private help with suicide.

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