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About SANEline

SANEline is a national out-of-hours mental health helpline offering specialist emotional support, guidance and information to anyone affected by mental illness, including family, friends and carers.

Our trained helpline volunteers aim to be empathic and non-judgemental, providing space and time for you to talk about your mental health, or the mental health of someone close to you.

Anybody is welcome to call us if they need to talk, or want support. The helpline is a confidential service for anyone aged 16 or over, and is open 365 days a year between 4pm and 10pm.

All of our services are confidential. We will only break this confidentiality if we are concerned about serious risk of harm to others. This includes the risk of harm to a young person under the age of 18 or to an adult who is vulnerable.

Where is SANEline available?

Available nationwide in United Kingdom

Who does SANEline support?

Adults and everyone

What languages does SANEline support?


Accessibility notes

SANE has a call back number, available on 0300 124 7900. Please leave a name and your phone number, and one of SANE's Support Team will aim to give you a call back within 48 hours.

Illustration of a woman throwing a lifebuoy to a distressed person, symbolizing providing a lifeline for people in crisis

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