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Helplines in Northern Ireland.

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We are a freephone support line and web chat service that provides invaluable one to one support, listening, reassurance and...


Illustration of a woman throwing a lifebuoy to a distressed person, symbolizing providing a lifeline for people in crisis

Free helpline support for substance abuse, drugs and alcohol addiction is available in Northern Ireland

Substance abuse – such as drug and alcohol addiction – affects millions of people and their loved ones each year. While the impact of substance use disorders and substance-related problems can be devastating, help is available and recovery is possible. Take the first step and reach out to one of 1 hotlines in Northern Ireland if you relate to these symptoms:

  • Erratic changes in mood, or mood swings.
  • Feeling an urge to use drugs, alcohol or other substances regularly.
  • Marked changes in attitude and personality.
  • Low energy and fatigue.
  • Using substances as a way to relieve negative or uncomfortable emotions.
  • Experiencing unpleasant side-effects (otherwise known as withdrawal symptoms) after stopping drugs, alcohol or other substances.
  • Being secretive and dishonest about when and how often you use drugs or alcohol and with whom.
  • Stealing money or selling items to afford to buy drugs or alcohol

When you've relied on substances for a long time, it's hard to imagine how you'll cope without them. But with the right support, you can overcome drug or alcohol dependence and live a much healthier, happier, and fulfilling life.

Crisis counselors are available to support you whether you are the one struggling, or whether you're concerned about a friend or family member. You can get free, confidential, zero-judgement support for substance use and addiction from a hotline in Northern Ireland.

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