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Helplines in West Dunbartonshire, Scotland.

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Are you finding days at school or work stressful or difficult? Get free help from a hotline in West Dunbartonshire, Scotland.

School and work are unavoidable. So, when interactions, activities and tasks start to seem overwhelming, it can impact every aspect of your life and mental health. Everyone is different, what comes easily to one may be challenging for another. In West Dunbartonshire, Scotland, there are 1 helplines you can contact for confidential help if you:

  • Have begun to ‘self-medicate’ with drugs or alcohol at or after school or work.
  • Don’t trust your peers, teachers or colleagues and feel victimised by their words and actions.
  • Struggle to follow lessons or tasks that those around you appear to find easy.
  • Avoid interacting or working on tasks by withdrawing, sleeping or hiding in the rest room.
  • Feel excessively tired, depressed, hopeless, withdrawn, or consider turning to drugs or alcohol.
  • Have difficulty following lessons or instructions, and feel unable to focus.
  • Have considered hurting yourself or others to end your daily troubles at work or school.
  • Try to absentee yourself from class work or school by faking certain symptoms or events.

From heavy workloads and pressure from teachers or management, to low confidence, undiagnosed learning disorders, and subnormal vision or hearing. So many issues can drive serious challenges at school or work. Your worries may even be social ones. Interactions that others find easy may feel more demanding for you.

When troubled thoughts about school or work get in the way of your potential, it might be time to access support. Receiving support doesn't make you weak – it simply means you're human. Consider contacting a helpline in West Dunbartonshire, Scotland for free and confidential support today.

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