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Helplines in Tyrol, Austria.


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Illustration of a woman meeting a caring person, who is in a life-sized phone, to symbolize online support and connection

Get support for gender and sexual identity from a LGBTQ-friendly hotline in Tyrol, Austria

Many people struggle with being confident in their sexual and gender identity. It can be hard to grapple with this because of the discrimination many lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people still face today. Fortunately, there are 3 helplines in Tyrol, Austria that can support you if you relate to the following:

  • Not knowing where to get or how to wear a binder
  • Struggling with being misgendered or wrongly labeled
  • Experiencing homophobia or transphobia from family or friends
  • Dealing with trauma related to your sexuality or gender
  • You aren't sure how to date or flirt with members of the same sex
  • Feeling like your sexuality is different from those around you
  • Fantasising about removing or changing your reproductive/sexual organs
  • Feeling constrained by gender norms

As someone who identifies as LGBTQ, or as someone who is questioning their gender or sexual identity, you may feel isolated. Unfortunately, there are still people out there who are homophobic and transphobic. Worrying about social rejection can make it hard to express your true self with pride.

Figuring out your sexual and gender identity can be hard and overwhelming if you're dealing with it on your own. Fortunately, there are LGBTQ-friendly volunteers and counselors in Tyrol, Austria who can act as your allies and offer you the support that you need.

If you are ready to talk to someone about your gender & sexual identity, you can contact a hotline in Tyrol, Austria for free and confidential support.

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