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Helplines in Victoria, Australia.

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Rainbow Door is a free, specialist LGBTIQA+ helpline. Experienced peers provide information, referral, and support to enable...



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Get help from a LGBTQ-friendly hotline in Victoria, Australia

If you’re questioning your sexual orientation or gender identity, or if you’re experiencing problems as a result of identifying as LGBTQ, you’re not alone. If you're struggling with any of the below, there are 1 helplines in Victoria, Australia that you can reach out to for support.

  • Being bullied, discriminated against or excluded because of how you identify
  • Not wanting to put a label on your gender or sexuality
  • Feeling isolated from your family friends because of how you identify
  • It's distressing to think about being stuck in your current body
  • A sense of wrongness about the gender you were assigned at birth
  • Struggling with being misgendered or wrongly labeled
  • Feeling shame around how you identify
  • Wanting to express your gender differently

It’s normal to feel confused and alone when you’re trying to figure out your gender identity and sexual orientation. If it feels like you can’t come out and you’re scared to show the world who you really are, your mental health can take a serious knock. You deserve to be LGBTQ and proud.

There are dedicated LGBTQ-friendly crisis counselors in Victoria, Australia who can help you with any problems you may be experiencing as an LGBTQ person. If you're still questioning your gender and sexual identity, speaking to a compassionate listener can help.

Consider contacting a hotline in Victoria, Australia right away for free, private help with gender & sexual identity.

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