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Helplines in Czechia.


V Linka Bezpečí pomáháme dětem a studentům do 26 let, kteří se ocitli v těžké životní situaci nebo řeší každodenní starosti a...


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Our non-stop free line for families and schools serves children, parents or teachers who find themselves in any emergency. We...




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Linka první psychické pomoci poskytuje 24/7, bezplatnou, soucitnou a důvěrnou podporu po telefonu a online chatu. Jsme tu,...


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Poskytujeme krizovou intervenci, podporu a základní sociální poradenství prostřednictvím telefonu, chatu nebo e-mailu všem bez...


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Most k naději, linka duševní tísně je anonymní, telefonickou pohotovostí pro bolavou duši, která funguje v nonstop provozu....



Linka seniorů je krizová linka pro seniory, pečující a osoby v krizi. Nabízí volajícím důvěrný prostor pro sdílení jejich...


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Reach out to a LGBTQ-friendly hotline in Czechia today

If you’re unsure whether you identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender, you’re not alone. It’s normal to question your sexual and gender identity. Whether you're questioning and need support, or you’re confident in your identity but you're experiencing other issues, there are 7 hotlines in Czechia that can help you with the following and more:

  • Feeling like you can't talk to others about who you really are
  • Feeling sexually attracted to people of the same gender as you
  • Feeling like there's something wrong with you for not having any sexual desires
  • Feeling shame around how you identify
  • Wanting gender-affirming hormone supplements or surgery
  • Feeling like how you are on the outside doesn't represent who you are on the inside
  • Feelings of anxiety about not being accepted for who you really are
  • Wanting to come out but not knowing how

Experiencing rejection as a lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender person is extremely painful. You deserve to be accepted and loved for who you are. When you’re not, it can take a serious toll on your mental health. If you feel confused, lonely, and even suicidal, your feelings are valid.

LGBTQ-friendly volunteers and counselors in Czechia are available to help you no matter what you're going through. A huge weight can be lifted off your shoulders when you're given the chance to express your true feelings without any fear of judgement.

If you think you might need support with your gender & sexual identity today, consider contacting a helpline in Czechia for free, confidential help.

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