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Helplines in Czechia.

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Jsme tu pro všechny, kdo potřebují podporu v duševní krizi. Je lepší zavolat, než být na trápení sám. Jsme tu, abychom společně...


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Linka seniorů je krizová linka pro seniory, pečující a osoby v krizi. Nabízí volajícím důvěrný prostor pro sdílení jejich...




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Linka první psychické pomoci poskytuje 24/7, bezplatnou, soucitnou a důvěrnou podporu po telefonu a online chatu. Jsme tu,...


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Poskytujeme krizovou intervenci, podporu a základní sociální poradenství prostřednictvím telefonu, chatu nebo e-mailu všem bez...


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Most k naději, linka duševní tísně je anonymní, telefonickou pohotovostí pro bolavou duši, která funguje v nonstop provozu....



Our non-stop free line for families and schools serves children, parents or teachers who find themselves in any emergency. We...



V Linka Bezpečí pomáháme dětem a studentům do 26 let, kteří se ocitli v těžké životní situaci nebo řeší každodenní starosti a...


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Illustration of two people inside separate phones working together to bandage a wounded heart, representing online empathy

Lost a loved one? Grief support hotlines are available in Czechia

Healing after a loss takes time. The pain of the loss can feel so intense that you don't know how to cope or where to turn. Talking openly about the loss can help you feel better. In Czechia there are 8 support lines you can contact. Grieving can look like:

  • Becoming tearful and crying more often and unexpectedly
  • Feeling numb and cut off from your own emotions
  • Using substances to cope with the pain
  • Weight loss or weight gain
  • An increase or decrease in appetite
  • A feeling of deep sadness and emptiness
  • Feeling regret about things that were left unsaid
  • Feeling like there's a pit in your stomach

There is no typical way to grieve, everyone's experience is unique. You may experience a range of emotions as you struggle to find meaning and accept the loss.

Grieving is a very personal experience and because of that, it can feel isolating. If you're in Czechia, speaking to someone who has been there too, and who understands can help you feel less alone.

If you think you might need support with grief or loss today, consider contacting a helpline in Czechia for free, confidential help.

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