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Helplines in Wales.

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Struggling with stress? Reach out to a hotline in Wales for free support

Extreme stress can seriously impact your mental health and quality of life. If you're feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope with your responsibilities, help is available. You can get support from 3 helplines in Wales. Reach out if you're experiencing any of the following:

  • Having difficulty making decisions and judgments.
  • Constantly worrying about something.
  • Changes in weight and appetite; eating too little or too much.
  • Digestive issues that result in diarrhea, constipation, heart burn, or digestive disorders.
  • Headaches or dizziness.
  • Excessive sweating in the hands.
  • Low energy and lack of motivation.
  • Rapid heartbeat and chest pain.

Stress saps your energy and steals your joy. When you're stressed, it's hard to be present because you become so focused on the source of your anxiety. While a little bit of stress can be helpful because it motivates you to take action, too much stress can make you want to give up.

Carrying all of your stress on your own can be a heavy burden to bear. Reaching out to a hotline counselor in Wales can help lighten your load and bring you relief. A helpline counselor will listen to you with compassion and can help you find healthy ways to cope.

Consider contacting a hotline in Wales right away for free, private help with stress.

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