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Helplines in Marlborough, New Zealand.

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Find support for abuse and domestic violence from a hotline in Marlborough, New Zealand

Many women, children, and men in the world are victims of domestic abuse– this is any behaviour that maintains control over a spouse, partner, family member, or girlfriend/boyfriend. Abuse may be expressed physically, emotionally, verbally, sexually, or financially, and you may feel threatened, controlled or coerced.

If you are being psychologically, emotionally or physically harmed, you are not alone. Statistics show that one in three women and one in three men have experienced abuse and domestic violence. If you're looking for support, there are 1 abuse and domestic violence hotlines in Marlborough, New Zealand. Reach out if this is happening:

  • Fear of your partner/family member much of the time
  • Feeling like you can’t do anything right for your partner/family member
  • Being forced to have sex or perform other sexual activities that you don’t want to
  • You are being isolated from friends and family members
  • Your partner/family member is acting excessively jealously
  • Your partner/family member blames you for how they behave
  • Being exposed to intimidation and coercion
  • Any form of physical harm (hitting, slapping, strangling, kicking, burning, cutting)

Victims of abuse and domestic violence can be in a difficult position. They once had (or still have) love for the abuser. On the other hand, they are constantly exposed to harm from someone who should love them back. This can feel puzzling and scary.

It’s normal if you feel isolated. Victims of abuse and domestic violence are exposed to extreme stress and often go through it alone. Even though it might feel difficult to share what you are going through, hotline staff in Marlborough, New Zealand will listen, try to understand – and help you.

For free and confidential support with abuse and domestic violence, consider contacting a hotline in Marlborough, New Zealand today.

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