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Helplines in Marlborough, New Zealand.

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Peer support. Listening without judgement. Speak to someone who has lived experience of mental health distress. Our staff have...


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Struggling with problems in your relationship? Free hotline support is available in Marlborough, New Zealand

It's normal for every relationship – from dating through to marriage – to face challenges at some point. Some of the most common challenges revolve around communication, infidelity and intimacy. Fortunately, most relatsionship problems are solvable if both people are committed to working through them. If your relationship is facing any of the following, there are 1 helplines in Marlborough, New Zealand you can contact for support:

  • You are having a hard time trusting each other
  • There’s a lack of mutual support in your relationship
  • You don’t participate in enough fun activities together
  • Difficulties communicating your needs, opinions, and beliefs.
  • You feel like you’re losing the closeness you once had
  • There was infidelity in your relationship
  • Passion and sexual desire are dwindling
  • You are losing your enthusiasm for romance and wooing

Relationship problems can cause a lot of pain and heartache. If you're in an unhealthy relationship, you may feel insecure, confused, or even scared. It's normal to feel unsure about whether to leave or stay and fix things. Even if you've made up your mind, it can be hard to act on your decision.

You may feel that no one could truly get what you’re going through in your relationship. Talking to a dedicated helpline counselor or volunteer in Marlborough, New Zealand about your struggles can help you feel better and find a path forward that works for you.

If you feel like you might need support for struggles you're having in your relationship, try reaching out to a hotline in Marlborough, New Zealand. It's free and confidential.

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