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Helplines in Mauritania.

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Illustration of a woman messaging a crisis counselor, with chat bubbles and shapes extending from her phone

If stress is impacting you, call a helpline in Mauritania for free, confidential help

When you don't deal with stress in a healthy way, it can build up and start to negatively impact your life. You may find it harder to cope with everyday responsibilities. Fortunately, help is available from 1 hotlines in Mauritania. Stress can look like:

  • Difficulty breathing, wheezing, or shortness of breath.
  • Teeth grinding and clenching jaw.
  • Difficulty concentrating and focusing.
  • Having difficulty making decisions and judgments.
  • High blood pressure and hypertension.
  • Being overly pessimistic or only focusing on the negative side of things.
  • Rapid heartbeat and chest pain.
  • Dry mouth and trouble swallowing anything.

Stress saps your energy and steals your joy. When you're stressed, it's hard to be present because you become so focused on the source of your anxiety. While a little bit of stress can be helpful because it motivates you to take action, too much stress can make you want to give up.

It's not always easy to admit that you need extra support, but everyone needs help sometimes. That's why there are hotlines available in Mauritania who help people who are overwhelmed with stress. It can be a huge relief to share your feelings with someone who cares and wants to understand what you're going through.

Consider contacting a hotline in Mauritania right away for free, private help with stress.

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