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Helplines in Moscow, Russian Federation.


Профессиональная помощь в поиске решения проблемной ситуации: конфликты; трудности в детско-родительских и супружеских...


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Get help for eating disorder and body image problems from a helpline in Moscow, Russian Federation.

Being hyper-critical of your body may mean that you have a negative body image. Having a negative body image can escalate into disordered eating. If you're experiencing eating or body image problems, there are 1 free helplines available in Moscow, Russian Federation. You may benefit from helpline support if you notice these symptoms:

  • Skipping meals on a regular basis.
  • Dizziness and potentially fainting.
  • Shifting food around on your plate so it looks like you’ve eaten more than you have.
  • Feeling guilty, ashamed, and disgusted after eating too much or after eating the “wrong” foods.
  • Eating large portions of food and being unable to control yourself or extreme food restriction.
  • Sudden weight loss or weight gain.
  • Excessive thinking about food, eating, and body weight or shape.
  • Growth of a fine layer of hair on the body called lanugo.

Eating disorders can be all-consuming. When you become preoccupied with controlling your weight and what you eat, other important aspects of life can fall by the wayside. It can be an extremely isolating experience.

It can be hard to deal with the feelings of shame and guilt that so often accompany negative body image and disordered eating. Admitting that you've lost control and that you need help may feel harder than keeping your problems to yourself.

If you think you might need support with disordered eating or body image today, consider contacting a helpline in Moscow, Russian Federation for free, confidential help.

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