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Helplines in Tonga.

Illustration of a man reclining in a hammock text messaging a suicide hotline, symbolizing online emotional support

Get support for self-harm from a hotline in Tonga

Self-harm is when you purposely hurt yourself as a way to cope with difficult emotions. Self-harm may bring you relief from intense emotional pain, but the relief is often short-lived. If you struggle with the following, there are 1 helplines available in Tonga that can offer you support:

  • Imagining hurting yourself
  • Avoiding people you care about so they don't find out
  • Searching for ways to self-harm
  • Feeling drawn to sharp objects, or items you could harm yourself with
  • Feeling like your emotions are too difficult or overwhelming to deal with
  • Feeling like you're addicted to pain or hurting yourself
  • Craving physical pain as a distraction from overwhelming emotions
  • Feeling like self-harm is the only thing keeping you going

Many people have thought about self-harm or are currently using self-harm as a way to cope with their feelings. It may not feel like it, but you are not alone. Lots of people find it hard to manage overwhelming negative emotions.

If you tend to hold things inside, talking to someone about your feelings can feel scary. However, trained helpline counselors and volunteers can help put you at ease. You can call a supporter in Tonga when you have the urge to self-harm and they can talk you through your emotions.

Consider contacting a hotline in Tonga right away for free, private help with self harm.

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