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If you can't stop gambling despite the negative impact it's had on you and your loved ones, you may feel guilty, ashamed, and hopeless. But there is hope. You can get free support to stop gambling from one of 1 hotlines in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Reach out if you relate to the following:
Feeling as though there is no hope and that nothing can be solved is normal, especially if you have lost a lot to gambling. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. There are others who have overcome their gambling problems and there is hope for you too.
Taking the first step to reach out for gambling support from a hotline in Belfast, Northern Ireland can feel daunting. But you can take comfort in knowing that volunteers are well-trained in supporting people with gambling problems. They will treat you with warmth and compassion and they will listen to you without any judgment.
If you feel like you might need support with your gambling habit, try reaching out to a hotline in Belfast, Northern Ireland. It's free and confidential.
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