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Helplines in DOW, Northern Ireland.

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Unable to stop gambling? Hotline support is available in DOW, Northern Ireland

The consequences of gambling can be severe enough to make you feel as though you've ruined your life and there's no way out. However, it is possible to stop gambling and reclaim what you've lost. Take the first step and contact one of 2 helplines in DOW, Northern Ireland if you're experiencing these symptoms:

  • Obsessive thinking about past, present, or future gambling experiences.
  • Skipping work, family and other important commitments to gamble.
  • Lying or stealing to get money for gambling.
  • Being unable to stop gambling despite making an effort to stop.
  • Gambling to distract yourself from your problems.
  • Constantly thinking about gambling.
  • Continuing to gamble despite negative consequences.
  • Gambling as a way to relieve negative emotions.

Feeling as though there is no hope and that nothing can be solved is normal, especially if you have lost a lot to gambling. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. There are others who have overcome their gambling problems and there is hope for you too.

You may be hesitant to reach out for help. Perhaps you feel that you'll be judged or that you're beyond help. Although you may feel that way, there are kind and compassionate helpline volunteers and counselors from DOW, Northern Ireland who care about what you're going through and who want to support you.

For free and confidential support with gambling, consider contacting a hotline in DOW, Northern Ireland today.

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