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Helplines in Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.

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Peer support. Listening without judgement. Speak to someone who has lived experience of mental health distress. Our staff have...


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Contact a helpline in Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand to get support for an unexpected or distressing pregnancy.

If your pregnancy was unplanned or you're uncertain about it, you may be considering what to do next. Falling pregnant unexpectedly or having doubts is quite common but it can be experienced in different ways by different women. If you're battling with any of the following, help is available from one of 1 hotlines in Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.

  • Feeling concerned about your financial situation if you go through with the pregnancy.
  • Being unsure of how to tell your partner or your family, or whether you should.
  • Feeling low and depressed.
  • Being reluctant to change your lifestyle to accommodate a baby.
  • Feeling overwhelmed by all the options and having to make a decision.
  • Feeling unprepared to go through with the pregnancy and to raise a baby.
  • Feeling unsure about the options that are available to you.
  • Feeling both positive and negative emotions at the thought of going through with the pregnancy.

When you experience an unplanned pregnancy or pregnancy with doubts, there's no "normal" way to feel or respond. Some women find it easy to make a choice. Others have a really hard time accepting what's happened and deciding what to do. Whatever your feelings are, know that they are valid.

If you don't know what options are available to you, or if you're not sure what option is best, a helpline counselor in Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand can guide and support you. A helpline counselor will listen to you without any judgment and will never guilt or manipulate you into choosing something you don't really want.

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