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Feeling defeated by the impacts of a physical illness? Free helplines are available in Estonia

Everything changes when you’re diagnosed with a serious, chronic or life-threatening physical illness. Coping with your new reality can be challenging, especially when you feel isolated or alone. You are valued. There are 3 helplines in Estonia where you can confide in volunteers or counselors for support when you feel:

  • Afraid of what the future holds, including the pain you may feel, disabilities or death.
  • Worried about how you’ll look after your family when you are sick, you lose your job, or become disabled.
  • Anxiety, tension, fear, sadness and helplessness about your condition and what the future holds.
  • Afraid about the uncertainty of life and the pain you may feel from your symptoms.
  • Isolated from friends and family due to the physical and mental effects of your condition.
  • Fear that you'll be defined by your medical condition, instead of who you really are.
  • That your medical condition is having a negative impact on your mental health and wellbeing.
  • Fear of future physical discomfort, pain, changes to your routine, and possibly death.

Depending on your illness, personality, age, lifestyle and home support system, there are a range of difficult emotions you may be feeling. Illness can be life-changing, and it is always unexpected.

No matter your diagnosis or medical outlook, you have the power to face the emotional challenges of physical illness with grace – but you do need support. Reaching out for help does not imply that you are weak or powerless – it simply indicates that you are human. Speak to a volunteer or counselor in Estonia who understands the unspoken effects of physical illness on mental health.

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