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Helplines in Estonia.

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Ohvriabi kriisitelefon pakub tuge ja ärakuulamist, kui oled kogenud vägivalda, kaotust, sattunud traumeerivasse olukorda või on...


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Emotsionaalne varvastelefon Eluliin on mõeldud kõigile, kes kogevad emotsionaalset kriisi – nagu depressioon, mure leina või...



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Contact a hotline in Estonia for free, confidential support with stress

Extreme stress can seriously impact your mental health and quality of life. If you're feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope with your responsibilities, help is available. You can get support from 4 helplines in Estonia. Reach out if you're experiencing any of the following:

  • Sleep disturbances; sleeping excessively or not sleeping at all.
  • Procrastinating or avoiding responsibilities.
  • Having difficulty relaxing and unwinding.
  • Rapid heartbeat and chest pain.
  • High blood pressure and hypertension.
  • Pulling back from your loved ones.
  • Teeth grinding and clenching jaw.
  • Irritable, angry, and impatient.

When you're stressed out, it can feel like you're under immense pressure. Your emotions are heightened so you may be more short-tempered and irritable. You're also more likely to get upset over seemingly small things. It's normal to feel overwhelmed and that things are beyond your control.

Asking for help may feel uncomfortable but it's also the first step toward feeling better. Helpline counselors in Estonia have been trained to support people who are struggling with stress. You can be sure that when you call a helpline, you'll receive an understanding ear and sound advice.

If you feel like you might need support with your experiences of stress, try reaching out to a hotline in Estonia. It's free and confidential.

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