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Helplines in Sweden.


En stödlinje för dig som är hbtqia+ eller närstående. A support line for LGBTQI+ and allies. Regnbågslinjen är en samtalsjour...


Online Chat


Anonym stödchatt för alla mellan 12-25 år. Oavsett könstillhörighet eller vilken religion eller kultur du tillhör. Chatten...

Online Chat


BRIS offers 24/7, free, compassionate and confidential support over phone and online chat. We are here to help youth in Sweden...



Online Chat


The priest on call offers emergency conversation and crisis support and is part of the Church of Sweden's pastoral care. The...


Online Chat

Illustration of two people inside separate phones working together to bandage a wounded heart, representing online empathy

Get support for gender and sexual identity from a LGBTQ-friendly hotline in Sweden

If you’re questioning your sexual orientation or gender identity, or if you’re experiencing problems as a result of identifying as LGBTQ, you’re not alone. If you're struggling with any of the below, there are 5 helplines in Sweden that you can reach out to for support.

  • Feelings of anxiety about not being accepted for who you really are
  • Not knowing where to get or how to wear a binder
  • Feeling constrained by gender norms
  • Feeling constricted by gender binaries
  • Dealing with trauma related to your sexuality or gender
  • Fantasising about removing or changing your reproductive/sexual organs
  • Finding it confusing figuring out who you're attracted to
  • Feeling like how you are on the outside doesn't represent who you are on the inside

Confusion, loneliness, and thoughts of suicide are normal when you’re struggling to make peace with your gender and sexual identity. It’s hard to know where to turn and you may be scared that if people know you're LGBTQ, they will treat you badly or differently.

Figuring out your sexual and gender identity can be hard and overwhelming if you're dealing with it on your own. Fortunately, there are LGBTQ-friendly volunteers and counselors in Sweden who can act as your allies and offer you the support that you need.

If you think you might need support with your gender & sexual identity today, consider contacting a helpline in Sweden for free, confidential help.

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