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Kashmir Lifeline, Emotional and Mental Crisis support


About Kashmir Lifeline, Emotional and Mental Crisis support

Dukungan Kashmir Lifeline, Emotional and Mental Crisis memberikan dukungan dan informasi gratis dan rahasia melalui telepon. Kami membantu semua orang di India yang mungkin memerlukan dukungan untuk Penyalahgunaan & kekerasan dalam rumah tangga, kecemasan, intimidasi, demensia, Alzheimer, depresi, pola makan & citra tubuh, keluarga, perjudian, jenis kelamin & identitas seksual, kesedihan & kehilangan, kesepian, mengasuh anak, kehamilan & aborsi , hubungan, sekolah & pekerjaan, menyakiti diri sendiri, pelecehan seksual, stres, penggunaan zat, pikiran untuk bunuh diri, mendukung orang lain, penyakit fisik, trauma & PTSD. Kami berdedikasi untuk mencegah bunuh diri. Jika Anda berpikir untuk bunuh diri atau khawatir tentang tanda peringatan pada orang lain, hubungi kami untuk mendapatkan bantuan.

Saat Anda menghubungi kami, Anda akan berbicara dengan salah satu konselor terlatih kami yang memiliki pengalaman dalam membantu orang yang memiliki pengalaman serupa dengan Anda. Mereka akan mendengarkan, mengungkapkan empati dan pengertian, dan membantu Anda menemukan jalan melalui situasi Anda.

English Translation: Kashmir Lifeline, Emotional and Mental Crisis support provides free and confidential support and information by phone. We help everyone in India who may require support with Abuse & domestic violence, anxiety, bullying, dementia, Alzheimer's, depression, eating & body image, family, gambling, gender & sexual identity, grief & loss, loneliness, parenting, pregnancy & abortion, relationships, school & work, self-harm, sexual abuse, stress, substance use, suicidal thoughts, supporting others, physical illness, trauma & PTSD. We are dedicated to preventing suicide. If you're contemplating suicide or worried about warning signs in someone else, please contact us for help.

When you contact us you will talk with one of our trained counselors who have experience in how to help people with similar experiences to your own. They will listen, express empathy and understanding, and assist you in finding a way through your situation.

Where is Kashmir Lifeline, Emotional and Mental Crisis support available?

Available in India

Who does Kashmir Lifeline, Emotional and Mental Crisis support support?

All topics and everyone

What languages does Kashmir Lifeline, Emotional and Mental Crisis support support?


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