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Nelik vienas


About Nelik vienas

Nelik vienas – pirmoji specializuota emocinės pagalbos linija vyrams Lietuvoje. Mūsų tikslas – pakviesti vyrus gauti pagalbą per viešus renginius ar informacines priemones ir suteikti visapusišką pagalbą tiems, kuriems jos reikia. Seniai nusistovėjusią tradicinę vyriškumo, kaip stipriosios lyties atstovo, sampratą reikia keisti. Juk ir vyrams sunku. Jei reikia pasikalbėti, drąsiai skambinkite, pagalbos linija vyrams pasiruošusi išklausyti.

English translation: Nelik vienas is the first specialized emotional helpline for men in Lithuania. Our aim is to invite men to access help through public events or information tools and to provide comprehensive assistance for those in need. The long-established traditional notion of masculinity as being of the stronger sex needs to be changed. After all, it is also difficult for men. If you need to talk, feel free to call, the helpline for men is ready to listen.

Where is Nelik vienas available?

Available nationwide in Lithuania

Who does Nelik vienas support?

Men and all topics

What languages does Nelik vienas support?


Accessibility notes

Paštu: [email protected]

Illustration of a woman meeting a caring person, who is in a life-sized phone, to symbolize online support and connection

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