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Helplines in Lithuania.


Vaikų Linija (Child Line) mission is to provide emotional support to children and teenagers by phone and on-line by accepting...


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Emocinės paramos tarnyba „Jaunimo linija“ – tai nevyriausybinė organizacija, kurios vizija – kad niekas nebūtų paliktas vienas!...


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„Sidabrinė linija“ (the Silver Line) is a free of charge befriending and support helpline providing information, friendship and...



Pagalbos smurtą patyrusiems linija teikia nemokamą ir konfidencialią pagalbą telefonu ir internetiniu pokalbiu. Esame tam, kad...


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„Vilties linija“ visą parą teikia nemokamą ir konfidencialią pagalbą telefonu ir internetiniais pokalbiais. Esame čia dėl...


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Nelik vienas – pirmoji specializuota emocinės pagalbos linija vyrams Lietuvoje. Mūsų tikslas – pakviesti vyrus gauti pagalbą...



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Illustration of a man reclining in a hammock text messaging a suicide hotline, symbolizing online emotional support

Is your family too complicated to live with? Free helplines are available in Lithuania

Some families are more complicated than others. Separation, divorce, abuse, grief, financial strife and neglect are just a few of the family matters that could be causing you concern. You are never alone. If you are experiencing any of the following in your home or family life, there are 8 in Lithuania where you can get the understanding and support that you need:

  • Family conflicts with new step-parents, step-brothers, step-sisters or step-children.
  • A sibling, parent or guardian who is absent physically or emotionally.
  • Abuse or neglect from your parent, guardian, sibling or spouse.
  • Job loss, financial struggles or gambling and the impact these can have on your family.
  • Struggles with generational, cultural or religious differences within the family.
  • Perfectionism, pressure or abuse from your parent, guardian, sibling or spouse.
  • Drug, alcohol or gambling addiction and the impact this can have on your family.
  • Problems caused by a lack of money for resources such as food, clothing and accommodation.

When your home life is chaotic, it can cause you a lot of stress. Living in an environment where there is constant conflict can be a heavy burden to bear. Trying to keep the peace when things are falling apart around you can be exhausting.

If your problems at home are following you out the door, you're not alone. Many people who experience family conflict find it difficult to cope. The good news is that help is available in Lithuania. You can speak to a crisis line counselor and get free, confidential support whenever you're ready.

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