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Helplines in Lithuania.


„Sidabrinė linija“ (the Silver Line) is a free of charge befriending and support helpline providing information, friendship and...



Emocinės paramos tarnyba „Jaunimo linija“ – tai nevyriausybinė organizacija, kurios vizija – kad niekas nebūtų paliktas vienas!...


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„Vilties linija“ visą parą teikia nemokamą ir konfidencialią pagalbą telefonu ir internetiniais pokalbiais. Esame čia dėl...


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Vaikų Linija (Child Line) is dedicated to providing emotional support to children and teenagers through phone and online...


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Illustration of a man reclining in a hammock text messaging a suicide hotline, symbolizing online emotional support

Struggling with loneliness? Reach out to a helpline for free support in Lithuania

Everyone goes through lonely patches. But sometimes, for many different reasons, feelings of loneliness can become persistent. If you relate to any these symptoms of chronic loneliness, you may benefit from reaching out to one of 6 free support hotlines in Lithuania.

  • Increased feelings of stress or anxiety.
  • Feeling lonely whether you're surrounded by others or alone.
  • Increased desire to binge-watch TV shows or movies.
  • A lack of close friends.
  • Loss of confidence.
  • Connecting with people on a shallow level only.
  • Feeling that nobody "gets" you.
  • Feeling extremely tired and even burnt out when you try to socialize.

If you've felt lonely for a long time, it's probably because you're feeling disconnected from others. There are many explanations for this and they differ from one person to the next. Whatever the reason for it, chronic loneliness can be a very painful and isolating experience.

Talking to someone who cares about what you're experiencing can help you feel less alone. Calling a hotline will connect you with someone like this. Helpline volunteers and counselors in Lithuania will offer you a listening ear and will work through difficult emotions with you.

Consider contacting a hotline in Lithuania right away for free, private help with feeling lonely.

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