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Helplines in Lithuania.


„Sidabrinė linija“ (the Silver Line) is a free of charge befriending and support helpline providing information, friendship and...


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Nelik vienas – pirmoji specializuota emocinės pagalbos linija vyrams Lietuvoje. Mūsų tikslas – pakviesti vyrus gauti pagalbą...


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„Vilties linija“ visą parą teikia nemokamą ir konfidencialią pagalbą telefonu ir internetiniais pokalbiais. Esame čia dėl...


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Vaikų Linija (Child Line) is dedicated to providing emotional support to children and teenagers through phone and online...


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Illustration of a man reclining in a hammock text messaging a suicide hotline, symbolizing online emotional support

Self-harm helplines are available in Lithuania

Self-harm may offer you relief from painful emotions in the moment, but it can leave you feeling worse afterward. It cannot solve your problems or remove the source of your pain. If you struggle with the following, you can get help from one of 6 in Lithuania:

  • Feeling the need to escape or numb your feelings
  • Feeling reckless, not caring whether you get hurt
  • Drinking a lot or taking drugs
  • Feeling like you need a physical release for your emotions
  • Feeling like normal ways of coping don't work for you – the pain is a last resort
  • Feeling anxious or on-edge when you can't self-harm
  • Feeling like self-harm is the only thing keeping you going
  • Searching for ways to self-harm

Many people have thought about self-harm or are currently using self-harm as a way to cope with their feelings. It may not feel like it, but you are not alone. Lots of people find it hard to manage overwhelming negative emotions.

You may struggle to talk to people about your feelings, but having the right person to talk to can make all the difference. Dedicated volunteers in Lithuania will listen to you without any judgement. Whether you just want to be heard, or you want to explore other coping tools, you can find the support you need.

For free and confidential support with self harm, consider contacting a hotline in Lithuania today.

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