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Helplines in Lithuania.

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Illustration of a man reclining in a hammock text messaging a suicide hotline, symbolizing online emotional support

Are you struggling to stop gambling? Contact a hotline in Lithuania for support

If you have a gambling problem, you may have lost a lot of money and jeopardized your relationships. Yet stopping may feel impossible. But just as others before you, you can get your life back on track. If you struggle with the following, there are 5 hotlines in Lithuania that can help:

  • Being unable to stop gambling despite making an effort to stop.
  • Feeling irritable when you've tried to stop gambling.
  • Gambling as a way to relieve negative emotions.
  • Constantly thinking about gambling.
  • Selling personal or family items to get money to gamble with.
  • Experiencing stress and anxiety as a result of your gambling habits.
  • Using your credit card to fund your gambling habit.
  • Using borrowed money to gamble.

It's normal to feel as though there's no hope for the future when you've lost a lot to gambling. The pain can be unbearable and you may feel completely helpless. But with proper support, you can stop gambling and turn your life around.

When you feel hopeless, it's hard to believe that anyone or anything could help. But helpline volunteers and counselors in Lithuania are trained to support people who are experiencing problems just like yours. They will listen to you and help you see that there is a way out.

Consider contacting a hotline in Lithuania right away for free, private help with gambling.

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