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Helplines in Lithuania.

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„Vilties linija“ visą parą teikia nemokamą ir konfidencialią pagalbą telefonu ir internetiniais pokalbiais. Esame čia dėl...


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Pagalbos smurtą patyrusiems linija teikia nemokamą ir konfidencialią pagalbą telefonu ir internetiniu pokalbiu. Esame tam, kad...


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Vaikų Linija (Child Line) is dedicated to providing emotional support to children and teenagers through phone and online...


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„Sidabrinė linija“ (the Silver Line) is a free of charge befriending and support helpline providing information, friendship and...



Emocinės paramos tarnyba „Jaunimo linija“ – tai nevyriausybinė organizacija, kurios vizija – kad niekas nebūtų paliktas vienas!...


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Illustration of a man reclining in a hammock text messaging a suicide hotline, symbolizing online emotional support

Struggling with problems in your relationship? Free hotline support is available in Lithuania

It's normal for every relationship – from dating through to marriage – to face challenges at some point. Some of the most common challenges revolve around communication, infidelity and intimacy. Fortunately, most relatsionship problems are solvable if both people are committed to working through them. If your relationship is facing any of the following, there are 7 helplines in Lithuania you can contact for support:

  • You don’t participate in enough fun activities together
  • You feel like you’re losing the closeness you once had
  • There is psychological, sexual, physical or verbal abuse in your relationship
  • You and/or your partner become spiteful or passive-aggressive in a disagreement
  • You’re in a long-distance relationship
  • Your families don't support your relationship
  • You feel the conversation with your partner has started to dwindle
  • You are dissatisfied with your sex life

Everyone reacts to relationship challenges differently. It's natural to experience a wide range of emotions and to feel ambivalent. It can be hard to imagine life without your partner. If any abuse is involved, it can complicate matters further, and you may be scared to make decisions about or leave the relationship.

You can get free and private support for relationship problems from a compassionate hotline counselor or volunteer in Lithuania. No matter how bad things have become in your relationship, you can get safe and trusted support from a listener who cares.

Consider contacting a hotline in Lithuania right away for free, private help with relationships.

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