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Helplines in Lithuania.


Emocinės paramos tarnyba „Jaunimo linija“ – tai nevyriausybinė organizacija, kurios vizija – kad niekas nebūtų paliktas vienas!...


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„Vilties linija“ visą parą teikia nemokamą ir konfidencialią pagalbą telefonu ir internetiniais pokalbiais. Esame čia dėl...


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Vaikų Linija (Child Line) is dedicated to providing emotional support to children and teenagers through phone and online...


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Nelik vienas – pirmoji specializuota emocinės pagalbos linija vyrams Lietuvoje. Mūsų tikslas – pakviesti vyrus gauti pagalbą...



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Illustration of a man reclining in a hammock text messaging a suicide hotline, symbolizing online emotional support

Are you experiencing difficulties at school or work? Get free, confidential support from a helpline in Lithuania today.

We often hear that school and work are among our greatest responsibilities in life. So, when we struggle to get through the day’s tasks, activities, or social and professional interactions, it’s easy to feel like we’ve failed. There are 6 helplins in Lithuania to reach out to for free support if you:

  • Pretend to be sick, hurt or busy to avoid attending classes, school or work.
  • Try to absentee yourself from class work or school by faking certain symptoms or events.
  • Find certain tasks or skills difficult or impossible to master, when others find them easy.
  • Feel isolated, withdrawn and constantly tired at school or work.
  • Have intense school or work related anxiety, stress, fear or worry.
  • Feel stressed and overwhelmed by the quantity or content of homework, tasks, assignments and projects.
  • Have difficulty following lessons or instructions, and feel unable to focus.
  • Are unable to understand, follow or complete the days lessons, tasks or activities.

Persistent worries about school or work can be detrimental to your mental health. You may feel socially anxious and have difficulty interacting with your peers. Perhaps you find it hard to keep up on tasks and assignments due to high levels of stress, an undiagnosed learning disorder or sensory impairment.

When negative feelings about school or work start impacting your ability to thrive, it might be time to speak to someone. You have the potential to find your voice and succeed, but sometimes you can only do this with support and understanding. Consider contacting a helpline in Lithuania for free, confidential help.

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