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Helplines in Norway.


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Hotline support for eating disorders and body image concerns is available in Norway.

If you're always disatisfied with the way your body looks and you've tried to control how it looks in harmful ways, then you may have an eating disorder. There are 7 hotlines in Norway that help with body image and eating problems. If these symptoms sound familiar, reach out for free support:

  • Regularly checking your body in the mirror for flaws.
  • Monitoring calories consumed very cautiously and paying close attention to food nutrition labels.
  • Over-exercising as an attempt to control weight and make up for eating too much.
  • Experiencing strong negative emotions when thinking about your body.
  • Negative self-talk related to body weight, shape, or size.
  • Fear of gaining weight and becoming larger.
  • Distorted body image: thinking you’re overweight when you’re a normal weight or underweight.
  • Lying to others about whether you have eaten so you can skip meals.

Eating disorders can be all-consuming. When you become preoccupied with controlling your weight and what you eat, other important aspects of life can fall by the wayside. It can be an extremely isolating experience.

You may be nervous to call a helpline in Norway because you're worried about how the person on the other line may react. These fears are completely normal. What's important to know is that helpline staff are well trained and they will treat you with compassion and understanding.

If you think you might need support with disordered eating or body image today, consider contacting a helpline in Norway for free, confidential help.

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