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Helplines in Norway.


VO-line is the Norwegian national helpline for victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse, those close to victims, as well...


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Children er en anonym chat for alle mellom 9 og 24 år. Vi er her for å hjelpe deg, uansett om du har opplevd mobbing,...

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Alarmtelefonen for barn og unge er barnevernets døgnåpne svartjeneste hvor barn og unge som er utsatt for ulike former for...



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Alltidhjelp er en hjelpetjeneste for alle som vil snakke eller skrive om livets utfordringer. Vi kan også gi informasjon om...


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Kors på halsen snakker med barn og unge opp til 18 år, om alle tema. Det som er viktig for deg, er viktig for Kors på halsen....


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Mental Helse svartjenester er forskjellige anonyme lavterskeltilbud. vi er alltis åpne når du trenger noen å prate med om store...


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Kirkens SOS is dedicated to providing 24/7, free, compassionate and confidential support over phone and online chat. We exist...


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Don't suffer in silence. Get in touch with a helpline in Norway for support with trauma and PTSD

It is never easy to deal with traumatic experiences and resulting PTSD symptoms. There are 7 in Norway that can help you begin your healing journey. Although each person’s experience of trauma and PTSD is unique, there are some common symptoms which include:

  • Being easily angered or upset
  • Continued negative thoughts about a traumatic experience
  • Overwhelming negative emotions such as guilt, shame, sadness and anxiety
  • Intrusive thoughts about the traumatic event
  • Feeling on edge and finding it difficult to relax
  • Experiencing 'hypervigilance' or extreme alertness
  • Physical sensations such as pain, trembling, sweating or nausea
  • Flashbacks of a traumatic event

These symptoms are very typical for people who are suffering from trauma-related issues. The pain felt from traumatic events is very real, and it’s okay to feel overwhelmed.

Trauma and PTSD can make you feel alone, like nobody will truly understand your experiences. But there are people in Norway available to listen and assist. Reaching out is brave.

If you think you might need support with the symptoms of trauma & PTSD today, consider contacting a helpline in Norway for free, confidential help.

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