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Helplines in Norway.

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Get help now from a suicide hotline in Norway

Suicidal thoughts can affect anyone. They are more common than you might think, which is why there are 6 suicide hotlines (or helplines and crisis lines) in Norway that can offer help to anyone struggling with feeling suicidal. Suicidal thoughts might involve:

  • Feeling like your own health and wellbeing no longer matter
  • Feeling like there is no end in sight to the pain you're feeling
  • A deep sense of hopelessness
  • Feeling like you wouldn't be missed if you were gone
  • Feeling deep and constant despair
  • Feeling or thinking you are worthless
  • Thinking there is nothing worth living for
  • Feeling like nothing matters anymore

A suicidal crisis is a normal response to very severe psychological pain that won't go away. You may be at a point where you're struggling to find the strength to get through one more day. It may not seem like it, but there is hope. You can heal your pain without ending your life.

You may be concerned that nobody will understand what you're going through, but helpline volunteers in Norway are specially trained to offer support to people in an emotional crisis. There is no right or wrong way to talk about suicidal feelings. Reaching out for help is what counts.

If you are having thoughts of suicide today, consider contacting a helpline in Norway for free, confidential help.

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