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Helplines in Norway.

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Alltidhjelp er en hjelpetjeneste for alle som vil snakke eller skrive om livets utfordringer. Vi kan også gi informasjon om...


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Kors på halsen snakker med barn og unge opp til 18 år, om alle tema. Det som er viktig for deg, er viktig for Kors på halsen....


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Mental Helse svartjenester er forskjellige anonyme lavterskeltilbud. vi er alltis åpne når du trenger noen å prate med om store...


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Kirkens SOS is dedicated to providing 24/7, free, compassionate and confidential support over phone and online chat. We exist...


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Get help from a substance abuse and addiction hotline in Norway today

Recovery from substance abuse and addiction is possible. It all starts with taking the first step to admit you have a problem with drugs or alcohol and seeking help. You can get support for yourself or a loved on by contacting one of 5 hotlines in Norway if you notice these symptoms:

  • Spending a lot more time alone or with a new social circle.
  • Being unable to keep up with daily responsibilities at home, work, or school.
  • Using substances as a way to relieve negative or uncomfortable emotions.
  • Being secretive and dishonest about when and how often you use drugs or alcohol and with whom.
  • Stealing money or selling items to afford to buy drugs or alcohol
  • Spending money on drugs or alcohol despite it being unaffordable.
  • Low mood including feelings of hopelessness, sadness or depression
  • Experiencing unpleasant side-effects (otherwise known as withdrawal symptoms) after stopping drugs, alcohol or other substances.

If you've tried to stop using substances like drugs or alcohol on your own without any success, you may feel defeated. It may be hard to imagine a way out. However, a large proportion of people make a full recovery with time and proper support.

Consider contacting a helpline in Norway if you or someone you love is battling with substance use or addiction. No matter how bad things may seem, help is available. There are compassionate recovery advocates who care about your situation and want to support you,

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