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Helplines in Norway.


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Illustration of two people inside separate phones working together to bandage a wounded heart, representing online empathy

Get free crisis counseling support for your mental health from a hotline or helpline in Norway

It can be difficult to know where to turn when you're struggling with your mental health. Whether you're going through a tough time, or you're concerned about a loved one, you can turn to a helpline or hotline for crisis counseling support. 13 helplines are available in Norway to help you.

If you have doubts about calling, that's normal. Learning more about helplines and what to expect can help you feel more confident to call.

What are helplines or hotlines?

Helplines, also known as hotlines or crisis lines, exist to provide free, confidential help to anyone in need of emotional support. Some helplines offer their services over the phone, and others over text message or chat. Many are available 24/7.

What kind of support do helplines offer?

Whether you need a listening ear, or help with what to do next, helpline staff can help. They will ask you questions to help you process your emotions or situation. They can also collaborate with you on what steps you might take to improve your situation, which can help you feel more in control and confident about the future.

Who will I talk to when I contact a helpline?

Helpline responders are often volunteers or counselors. They might also be peers who have had a similar life experience to the issue the helpline supports with. They are commonly trained in active listening and crisis counseling.

What topics do helplines and hotlines assist with?

Helplines are there for anyone who might be in need of free support for mental and behavioral health problems. If you are struggling with something specific, such as suicide, depression, anxiety, or domestic violence, there are often helplines that cater specifically to these issues. You may also be able to contact a helpline related to your demographic, such as helplines that are specifically for teenagers, veterans or the LGBTQ+ community. A lot of helplines provide support for a variety of mental and behavioral health issues, so you can talk with them about anything that is concerning you.

What is a suicide hotline?

For help with thoughts about harming yourself or ending your life, you can contact a suicide prevention hotline, also known as a crisis line or lifeline. Suicide hotlines are available 24/7 in most countries. These crisis services commonly support with any problem you might be facing, so you can also call them if you aren't thinking about suicide.

Can I contact a helpline for support with a person I'm worried about?

Yes. If you are concerned about someone you care about, you can contact a helpline for advice and support. The helpline representative will discuss possible ways for you to support the person, such as support systems the person can use, as well as behaviors or steps you can do to help.

I'm in Norway. What hotlines and helplines are available to me?

In Norway, there are 13 hotlines and helplines that support with a range of topics.

The first helpline was set up in 1953. Today, there are over 2,000 helplines supporting with a wide variety of issues, experiences and demographics. Their shared desire to assist those going through emotional or mental distress binds them together. No matter what your problem is, talking to someone can help and helplines provide this vital service, for free.

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