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Helplines in Norway.


Foreldresupport gir 24/7, gratis og konfidensiell støtte via telefon og nettprat. Vi er her for å hjelpe Foreldre i Norge, med...


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Kors på halsen snakker med barn og unge opp til 18 år, om alle tema. Det som er viktig for deg, er viktig for Kors på halsen....


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English: «Mannstelefonen» is a helpline for men, and have been running since 1980. We who answer are not professionals, but...



Alarmtelefonen for barn og unge er barnevernets døgnåpne svartjeneste hvor barn og unge som er utsatt for ulike former for...



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Mental Helse svartjenester er forskjellige anonyme lavterskeltilbud. vi er alltis åpne når du trenger noen å prate med om store...


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Kirkens SOS is dedicated to providing 24/7, free, compassionate and confidential support over phone and online chat. We exist...


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Is your family too complicated to live with? Free helplines are available in Norway

Family problems can be difficult to cope with. Personality clashes and communication breakdowns hurt the most when they happen at home. Whether you’re struggling with family-based abuse, trauma, tension, addiction or even parents who demand perfection, you are not alone. Take the first step and contact one of 6 helplines in Norway if you're experiencing the following:

  • Family members who don’t support you due to issues of trust, miscommunication or abuse.
  • Struggles with generational, cultural or religious differences within the family.
  • Co-dependency, in which a family member relies on you for emotional, mental or physical support.
  • Perfectionism, pressure or abuse from your parent, guardian, sibling or spouse.
  • Personality clashes, arguments and fights in your family.
  • Family members who depend on you for things they cannot do for themselves.
  • Problems caused by a lack of money for resources such as food, clothing and accommodation.
  • Problems such as consistent rivalry, mistrust or personality clashes between any of your family members.

Without a warm, loving and safe home to return to at the end of the day, life can seem cold, dark and lonely. Home may not feel like home at all to you. Feeling like you need to avoid your family at all costs can be a horrible position to be in.

If your problems at home are following you out the door, you're not alone. Many people who experience family conflict find it difficult to cope. The good news is that help is available in Norway. You can speak to a crisis line counselor and get free, confidential support whenever you're ready.

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