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Helplines in Norway.

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Alltidhjelp er en hjelpetjeneste for alle som vil snakke eller skrive om livets utfordringer. Vi kan også gi informasjon om...


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Mental Helse svartjenester er forskjellige anonyme lavterskeltilbud. vi er alltis åpne når du trenger noen å prate med om store...


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Kirkens SOS is dedicated to providing 24/7, free, compassionate and confidential support over phone and online chat. We exist...


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Children er en anonym chat for alle mellom 9 og 24 år. Vi er her for å hjelpe deg, uansett om du har opplevd mobbing,...

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Alarmtelefonen for barn og unge er barnevernets døgnåpne svartjeneste hvor barn og unge som er utsatt for ulike former for...



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Battling to come to grips with a physical illness? Get support from a free hotline in Norway

Everything changes when you’re diagnosed with a serious, chronic or life-threatening physical illness. Coping with your new reality can be challenging, especially when you feel isolated or alone. You are valued. There are 5 helplines in Norway where you can confide in volunteers or counselors for support when you feel:

  • That you can no longer be a valuable member of your family or social group.
  • Grief about the health, mobility, social life and peace of mind that you have lost.
  • Anxiety, tension, fear, sadness and helplessness about your condition and what the future holds.
  • Denial, reluctance or an inability to accept your diagnosis or medical condition.
  • Frustration and anger about the uncertainty and disabilities associated with your illness.
  • Isolated from those who don’t comprehend your discomfort or the seriousness of your condition.
  • Shame and sadness about becoming a burden to others.
  • That you are powerless, hopeless or burdensome.

Illness is usually unexpected, and it sometimes seems unfair. Perhaps the news or consequences of your illness has made you feel numb with shock and disappointment, or overwhelmed with powerful emotions. The inability to think straight or function may make you feel frustrated, anguished or useless. You are still valued.

Physical illness can bring emotional challenges that are hard to face without proper support. In Norway, you can contact a helpline to speak with a counselor or volunteer who cares and understands how physical illness can impact on mental health. Asking for help does not mean that you're weak – it simply shows that you are human.

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