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Helplines in Quebec, Canada.

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Indigenous support

Kamatsiaqut Nunavut Helpline is dedicated to providing 24/7, free and confidential support and information by phone and text...


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Champlain District Crisis Line is dedicated to providing 24/7, free, compassionate, and confidential support by phone. We help...



Tel-jeunes supports adolescents in Quebec on a daily basis, through their first experiences, questions, discoveries and...



Illustration of a woman meeting a caring person, who is in a life-sized phone, to symbolize online support and connection

Get support for gambling problems from a hotline in Quebec, Canada

The consequences of gambling can be severe enough to make you feel as though you've ruined your life and there's no way out. However, it is possible to stop gambling and reclaim what you've lost. Take the first step and contact one of 3 helplines in Quebec, Canada if you're experiencing these symptoms:

  • Spending more money on bets than you can afford to lose.
  • Gambling as a way to relieve negative emotions.
  • Being told by others that you have a gambling problem.
  • Getting into debt as a result of gambling.
  • Lying or stealing to get money for gambling.
  • Feeling hopeless because of what you've lost from gambling.
  • Experiencing stress and anxiety as a result of your gambling habits.
  • Selling personal or family items to get money to gamble with.

It's normal to feel as though there's no hope for the future when you've lost a lot to gambling. The pain can be unbearable and you may feel completely helpless. But with proper support, you can stop gambling and turn your life around.

Admitting that you have a problem and that you need help can be tough. But it can also bring you one step closer to taking charge of your life again. Hotline volunteers and counselors in Quebec, Canada will offer you a judgement-free space where you can express yourself openly and find relief from your emotional pain.

If you feel like you might need support with your gambling habit, try reaching out to a hotline in Quebec, Canada. It's free and confidential.

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