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Helplines in Hong Kong.


Supported by the funding of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Open Up is an online text platform designed specifically...


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24小时预防自杀热线服务24-hour Suicide Prevention Hotline Service is dedicated to providing 24/7, free, compassionate and confidential...


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本會的 24 小時情緒支援熱線,是由 1960 年創辦時被外界稱為「生命線」的電話熱線發展而成,熱線由成立至今一直由一群熱心義工提供服務,讓任何感到絕望無助、有情緒困擾或自殺意圖的人士,都可致電 2389 2222 的 24...


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撒瑪利亞會是一個義工主導、獨立、非宗教的組織,於1974年在香港成立,旨在為感到絕望和有自殺念頭的人們提供情緒支援。 我們相信,能被傾聽意味著生與死的區別。 我們的核心服務是 24/7/365...


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向晴热线Caritas-Hong Kong Family Crisis Support Centre Crisis Hotline offers 24/7, free and confidential support and information by...


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English Emotional Support Hotline is dedicated to providing free and confidential support and information by phone and online...


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Illustration of a man reclining in a hammock text messaging a suicide hotline, symbolizing online emotional support

Reach out to a LGBTQ-friendly hotline in Hong Kong today

If you’re unsure whether you identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender, you’re not alone. It’s normal to question your sexual and gender identity. Whether you're questioning and need support, or you’re confident in your identity but you're experiencing other issues, there are 8 hotlines in Hong Kong that can help you with the following and more:

  • Feelings of anxiety about not being accepted for who you really are
  • A sense of wrongness about the gender you were assigned at birth
  • You aren't sure how to date or flirt with members of the same sex
  • Experiencing homophobia or transphobia from family or friends
  • Wanting to come out but not knowing how
  • Feeling like you can't talk to others about who you really are
  • Struggling with being misgendered or wrongly labeled
  • Feeling sexually attracted to people of the same gender as you

Confusion, loneliness, and thoughts of suicide are normal when you’re struggling to make peace with your gender and sexual identity. It’s hard to know where to turn and you may be scared that if people know you're LGBTQ, they will treat you badly or differently.

No matter where you're at on your journey with your gender and sexuality, there are people who can walk through it with you. There are LGBTQ-friendly hotlines in Hong Kong. Speaking to someone who cares about what you're going through and who will listen to you without judgement can help you feel less alone.

Consider contacting a hotline in Hong Kong right away for free, private help with gender & sexual identity.

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