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RainLily provides FREE immediate crisis support, counselling, emergency contraception, sexual transmittable infections...


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Supported by the funding of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Open Up is an online text platform designed specifically...


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24小时预防自杀热线服务24-hour Suicide Prevention Hotline Service is dedicated to providing 24/7, free, compassionate and confidential...


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撒瑪利亞會是一個義工主導、獨立、非宗教的組織,於1974年在香港成立,旨在為感到絕望和有自殺念頭的人們提供情緒支援。 我們相信,能被傾聽意味著生與死的區別。 我們的核心服務是 24/7/365...


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向晴热线Caritas-Hong Kong Family Crisis Support Centre Crisis Hotline offers 24/7, free and confidential support and information by...


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English Emotional Support Hotline is dedicated to providing free and confidential support and information by phone and online...


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Illustration of a man reclining in a hammock text messaging a suicide hotline, symbolizing online emotional support

Have you experienced sexual abuse, assault or harassment? Reach out to a sexual abuse hotline in Hong Kong today for private, confidential support

Sexual abuse is a form sexual violence where a person uses power or coercion to force you into unwanted sexual activity. You can be a victim of sexual abuse if you are a woman, man or child. Other forms of sexual violence are sexual assault, such as rape, and sexual harassment, which is sexual behaviour toward you that is unwelcome or offensive.

There are many people throughout the world who struggle to overcome the aftermath of sexual violence. If you are one of them, getting the right kind of help can make all the difference. In Hong Kong there are 9 hotlines you can contact for support with sexual abuse, assault or harassment. Reach out if you have experienced any of the following:

Examples of sexual violence:

  • Repeated unwanted sexual attention or advances, including in your workplace or by your employer
  • An organ or an object being put into your vagina (rape), or anus or mouth (sodomy), without your consent
  • Being forced or coerced to have sex without protection from sexually transmitted diseases
  • Being filmed or photographed nude or in a sexually explicit way without your permission
  • Being exposed to a violent, hurtful sexual act without your permission
  • Sexual photos or videos being posted online without your consent
  • Rape by more than one person (gang rape) or rape by the same person over a period of time (serial rape)
  • Being kissed or touched without your consent or being made, by coercion or force, to touch or kiss someone

Effects of sexual violence:

  • A decline in your physical and mental health
  • Losing trust in people in general
  • Feeling unsafe and scared that it would happen again
  • Minimizing the abuse as not being as severe as someone else’s
  • Feeling edgy and fearful, especially around people who resemble the abuser in any way
  • An urge to use alcohol, drugs, or gamble excessively
  • Feeling as if everyone could see what happened to you
  • Avoidance of anything that reminds you of the sexual abuse

Everyone deals with sexual abuse, assault or harassment differently. You may find yourself trying to cope with it in a variety of ways. However, it is perfectly natural that it takes time to heal. It was a traumatic experience, and it might take a lot of support to recover.

If you’re struggling with finding meaning in what occurred to you, talking to hotline staff in Hong Kong might help you calm your thoughts and emotions and find a path forward. You don’t have to be alone on your journey toward recovery.

If you feel like you might need support with your experience of sexual violence, try reaching out to a hotline in Hong Kong. It's free and confidential.

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