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Helplines in Hong Kong.


Supported by the funding of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Open Up is an online text platform designed specifically...


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24小时预防自杀热线服务24-hour Suicide Prevention Hotline Service is dedicated to providing 24/7, free, compassionate and confidential...


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本會的 24 小時情緒支援熱線,是由 1960 年創辦時被外界稱為「生命線」的電話熱線發展而成,熱線由成立至今一直由一群熱心義工提供服務,讓任何感到絕望無助、有情緒困擾或自殺意圖的人士,都可致電 2389 2222 的 24...


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撒瑪利亞會是一個義工主導、獨立、非宗教的組織,於1974年在香港成立,旨在為感到絕望和有自殺念頭的人們提供情緒支援。 我們相信,能被傾聽意味著生與死的區別。 我們的核心服務是 24/7/365...


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向晴热线Caritas-Hong Kong Family Crisis Support Centre Crisis Hotline offers 24/7, free and confidential support and information by...



We provide 24/7 emotional support and debt consultation to debtors and families who are having distress due to financial issues.


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English Emotional Support Hotline is dedicated to providing free and confidential support and information by phone and online...


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The HKFWC's Women's Helpline is Hong Kong's first hotline for women. Since May 1981, the helpline has provided emotional...



亲友自杀危机咨询专线Suicide Crisis Consultation Helpline for Family Members and Friends is dedicated to providing free, compassionate and...





和谐之家24小时女性求助热线 / Harmony House...



RainLily provides FREE immediate crisis support, counselling, emergency contraception, sexual transmittable infections...


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受性別框架的影響,遭受家庭暴力的男士經常感到缺乏社會支援,旁人不明白,不理解他們獨有的困境。他們縱然隱藏,卻一直存在於社區。我們致力協助面對家暴受虐處境的男士,提供全面服務,以支援他們處理當下的困境,重建自己的生活,得到心靈的治療,為當前困局另覓出路。 ...




小白兔心声儿童热线 / Harmony House Children Hotline provides free and confidential support by phone. We are here to help children &...



Illustration of a man reclining in a hammock text messaging a suicide hotline, symbolizing online emotional support

Get free crisis counseling support for your mental health from a hotline or helpline in Hong Kong

It can be difficult to know where to turn when you're struggling with your mental health. Whether you're going through a tough time, or you're concerned about a loved one, you can turn to a helpline or hotline for crisis counseling support. 23 helplines are available in Hong Kong to help you.

If you have doubts about calling, that's normal. Learning more about helplines and what to expect can help you feel more confident to call.

What are helplines or hotlines?

Helplines, otherwise known as hotlines or crisis lines, offer free, confidential counseling support to people in emotional pain. Some offer support over the phone, and others over text message or online chat.

What kind of support do helplines offer?

Helpline responders will actively listen to you while also asking questions to help you process difficult emotions and situations. When you call a hotline, you can expect to be listened to without judgment. If you like, you can also talk through or receive guidance on what steps you can take next.

If I contact a helpline, who will I talk to?

The people on the other end of a helpline or hotline are often counselors or volunteers who are trained in crisis counseling and active listening, and can offer you a safe space to talk freely about what's bothering you. Some helplines are staffed by peers who have some personal experience in the issue the helpline supports with.

What topics do helplines and hotlines assist with?

Some helplines support with specific issues, such as suicide, depression, anxiety, and abuse. Others support with specific demographics, such as the LGBTQ+ community, veterans or young people. So if you're looking for tailored support, you might be able to find a hotline specific to your problem. There are also helplines that support with any problem that’s causing you distress – no matter how small or big it seems to you.

What is a suicide hotline?

If you've had thoughts about harming yourself or even ending your life, there are suicide prevention hotlines that can help. These helplines, otherwise known as lifelines or crisis lines, are typically available to offer support 24/7. Most suicide hotlines also support with any topic that is on your mind, which means you don't have to be suicidal to contact them.

Will a helpline talk to me about someone I'm concerned about?

It can be worrying when a friend or family member is struggling with their mental health or experiencing a behavioral health crisis. Helplines will support you to better help your loved one, whether that is actions you could take to support them, or external support they might be able to access.

I'm in Hong Kong. What hotlines and helplines are available to me?

In Hong Kong, there are 23 hotlines and helplines that support with a range of topics.

The first helpline was founded in 1953. Today, there are over 2,000 globally. While there is a wide variety in the types of topics or populations helplines support today, they are united by a common thread: to help those who are experiencing emotional distress or crisis to find a meaningful path ahead. Whether it's you who needs support, or whether you have questions about a loved one who is showing warning signs of distress, calling a helpline can help you get the support you need and deserve.

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