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Helplines in Hong Kong.


Supported by the funding of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Open Up is an online text platform designed specifically...


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Illustration of a man reclining in a hammock text messaging a suicide hotline, symbolizing online emotional support

Self-harm helplines are available in Hong Kong

Sometimes your emotions may be so overwhelming that hurting yourself may feel like the only way to find relief. Whether you are self-harming at the moment, or you have thoughts about it, there are 6 helplines in Hong Kong that can help. If you relate to the following, reach out:

  • Feeling like self-harm is the only thing keeping you going
  • Feeling like you deserve the pain
  • Feeling like you're worthless
  • Not looking after your physical health (e.g. not eating, not taking care of wounds or injuries)
  • Searching for ways to self-harm
  • Looking for a way to escape the emotional pain
  • Avoiding people you care about so they don't find out
  • Not wanting to die, but still feeling like you need the pain

Since self-harm provides immediate, in-the-moment relief from painful emotions, it’s easy to become reliant on it as your go-to coping mechanism. Stopping may seem impossible and you may be ashamed to even talk about it. However, self-harm is more common than you think. Many people struggle to manage intense emotions.

Talking about difficult emotions with someone compassionate and non-judgemental may help lighten your burdens. There are dedicated helpline volunteers in Hong Kong who are trained to support people through emotional distress. A helpline volunteer can help you process complex feelings and introduce you to healthy coping tools at your own discretion.

Consider contacting a hotline in Hong Kong right away for free, private help with self harm.

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